Monday, August 9, 2010

Kyle's events in 2009


Then just couple of weeks after Karianne had her tonsils out (coming in another post), Kyle ended up in the hospital with abscess on his tonsils. Poor thing was in so much pain. They almost had to drain it but instead gave him steroids to get rid of it. I almost passed out when they were putting in the IV. He was there for a couple days. He had fun in there playing video games all day! When he got home he was greeted by his good friends in Eagle Mountain.

He was able to have a ride out of the hospital in a toddler wheel chair. He thought that was pretty cool!

Kyle's Baseball Season!

This was an awesome season for him. It was the first year he played baseball. They ended up winning the championship game with a home-run hit by Kyle. It was a great happy time!

Of course he ended up with the game ball!!


Kelly Hill said...

That cut looks nasty!

Welcome back.... it's been a while.

The Simpson Times said...

Poor guy....that cut, stitches, and time spent in the ER. Then spending time in the hospital with his tonsils - I've never even spent overnight in a hospital...*knock on wood*. And I can remember the day you called and told me he hit the game-winning home run!!! You were emotional, I got emotional - such HAPPY, proud mom times for you!!!

Christine said...

Gross pictures! Where's the pictures of the tonsils? LOL. Wish we could have seen that home run hit! That would have been awesome. I know Scott would have screamed so loud he would have lost his voice for a week.