Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One more 2009 Post

Ok this is REALLY bad, I know. So since 2010 is almost over I thought I better try to post one more highlight for 2009. And then I'll be on to posting for 2010. I'll probably just post one highlight for 2010 so I'm not always a year behind :)

My goal for 2011 (wow can't believe I typed that # already) is to keep up my blog so I don't get so far behind and I can post while things are fresh in my mind.

In the Spring Karianne had to have her tonsils taken out! If you look below you will see why. I better forewarn you that there is a gruesome picture so if you don't want to look, don't go further!


Before surgery they had her draw a happy face on a doll with markers. She loved that. You can't tell very well but I held back tears as I awaited my little girl being taken back for surgery. I will never forget her holding Dr. Heidi's hand and the anesthesiologist's hand as she walked back to the O.R. looking back at me. I couldn't wait to see her come out!

As you can tell she did amazing coming out and loved that daddy would try her little dinosaur mask that went over her nose and mouth for surgery! Thanks G'ma L for coming to see her and bring her gifts after she got out! She loved it! When she got home she also had other good friends bring her get-well gifts....thank-you!

Ok, can you imagine these things in the back of a little 4 year old's throat? No wonder she couldn't breath and constantly had a hard time swallowing. Poor thing!

She also had her first major dental work done not too long after (maybe a month I think) which was very traumatic for her considering what she had just been through with her surgery. She loves a certain hygienist and finally was a trooper going through 2 days of 2 hours each to get all her work done.

She thought she was pretty cool with the sunglasses on!

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