Easter cookies I made for teachers, primary teachers, bishop, & VT! They were yummy!
Saturday we went to Greg's brother's house for a get together. The kids did an egg hunt and got things from candy to erasers, chap sticks, hair accessories, and even money! We ate, visited, laughed a lot, and played a game (girl's against boys-guess who won....yay girls). It was lots of fun!
Kayla and some of her cousins!
Kyle and cousin Max!
Kameron & Karianne looking to see their surprises!
Saturday night Greg and I went on a date with some good friends. We went to Sizzler, roamed the mall, and went to Emmett's for ice cream! It was fun!
Greg learns how to tie a tie!
Yay! He did it!
Sunday the kids got up and found their Easter baskets. They got new church clothes, outfits, flip flops, socks, hair accessories for the girls, and lots of candy! They had lots of fun! Sunday night they did sleepovers with cousins!
My gorgeous daughters!
My handsome young men!